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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: The command center of access file that appears when you create or open the MS Access database fil
  1. Database Window
  2. Query Window
  3. Design View Window
  4. Switchboard

Q2. In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board?

  1. Motherboard
  2. Daughterboard
  3. Bredboard
  4. Fatherboard
Correct Answer

Q3. The first microprocessor built by the Intel corporation was called

  1. 8008
  2. 8080
  3. 4004
  4. 8800
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:What do we call a computer program that organizes data in rows and columns of cells? You might use this type of program to keep a record of the money you earned moving lawns over the summer.

  1. Spreadsheet program
  2. Database program
  3. Word processor program
  4. Desktop publisher program
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: Which is not an option for Filter on a text field?

  1. Begins With
  2. Between
  3. Contains
  4. End With
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: how do you filter by selection?

  1. Right click the field value and select filter by selection from the shortcut menu
  2. Find and double click the value on which you want to base the filter
  3. Find and select the value on which you want to base the filter and select tools>filter by selection from the menu
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:Tab scrolling button

  1. Allow you to view a different worksheet
  2. Allow you to view additional worksheet rows down
  3. Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right
  4. Allow you to view additional sheets tabs
Correct Answer

Q8. What type of memory is not directly addressable by the CPU and requires special softw3are called EMS (expanded memory specification)?

  1. Extended
  2. Expanded
  3. Base
  4. Conventional
Correct Answer

Q9. Which one is not operating system?

  1. P11
  2. OS/2
  3. Windows
  4. Unix
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:What are lines, curve, freeform, and scribble?

  1. Emphasis effects that can be applied to animations
  2. Types of custom motion paths
  3. Predefined entrance and exit effects
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

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